Friday, November 21, 2008

The time has come to say goodbye to...

...going out to dinner. We had our last experience going out to eat tonight at Ruby Tuesday's. Madeline is officially at that age where it's a total pain in the neck to go out for dinner. I have been in denial for several weeks but tonight sealed the deal. She threw menus on the floor, food on the floor, was constantly reaching for everything on the table, screamed loudly when she couldn't play with forks, and refused to eat. We spent the entire dinner trying to keep her quiet and occupied and I don't really remember what I even ate. Yep, it's babysitter time. Gone are the days where she would sit in her infant seat and sleep or just look around and smile. Now it's"gimme gimme gimme!" She's gotten quite good at the arching-the-back tantrum. We see that in the high-chair, doing her breathing treatment, and almost every time we try to get her in the carseat. These are the little annoyances that everyone has told me about but I foolishly thought I was going to luck out and not have to deal with them. Reality check!

1 comment:

Lisa Webster said...

Sounds like fun! :) We WANT to add this in our life?! What are we thinking?! Oh yeah. All of the GOOD stuff! Thanks for sharing this tonight. It made us laugh!
Love you!