Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy 30th Curt!

Madi helps Daddy open gifts...
Here's a card from me!!
I Love You, Daddy!
Curt turned 30 on Saturday and we celebrated with his entire family at the Water Park of America in Bloomington. We started the day at home with Curt opening his gifts from me (Talladega Nights DVD) and Madeline (2 lbs of peanut M&Ms). We ventured out in the yucky weather to the Mall of America to see Santa before checking in to the hotel. Madi did great! She was very serious on Santa's lap and didn't cry at all. Curt's brother, Bret, and his family, Lisa, Bryce and Kyle, were there too. Bret, Curt and Bryce went on the scariest ride in the park. Here they go down the steep incline:and around the bend...
They survived!
Bret may have had an accident...
Here's Madi playing at the waterpark while Daddy was on the waterslides with his brothers:
Bathing Beauty. Nice hernia belly button :)
Splashing with cousin Kelly
Uncle Eric and Madi went around the whole park on an innertube on the Lazy River. Madi loved it!!
Goofing off with Grandpa Gordie after a bath and warm, dry clothes.


Lisa Webster said...

Looks like a fun way to celebrate Curt's birthday! Happy 30th Birthday, Curt! Welcome to the club. It's really not so bad.

Katy said...

That looks soooo fun! I wish we could've come, FGH would have loved it! See you soon...and where they heck are the Santa photos?