Monday, September 15, 2008

Slip Slidin' Away

Tonight Madi started moving in a manner closer to crawling and less like spinning in a circle. I think it was because she was on the slippery kitchen floor where it's easy to slide around. She was playing on the carpet with measuring cups and an egg separator while I was doing the dishes. I turned around to check on her and she was all the way off the carpet and moving around the kitchen floor. She kept throwing the egg separator and then she'd pull herself close to it to grab it only to throw it again. This little game kept her busy long enough for me to get the dishes done. She was in such a bad mood this evening b/c she missed her afternoon nap for some reason. The triumph of locomotion made her a very happy girl again - the happy girl we most often see. Of course, I got out the camera and the video camera to document this monumentous occasion. So proud of you, sweet girl.


Anonymous said...

Hey Curt, Amy and Maddy! This is Kathryn. How are you guys doing? Maddy is growing up so fast! I have not seen you guys since the 4th i think. I will tell you that I have been trying my hardest to be getting up/down/over (which ever it is) to Rockford. The one problem is, I need a car. :) That might soon change because starting in mid- March I might be getting my license and then I'm free to come see Maddy as much as I can. I will keep on trying to get my Dad to bring our family out there but basketball is starting, so who knows when we will have time to do anything as a family.

The egg separator is just a priceless story! I started giggling. Maddy, you are such a cute baby!

I really can't wait to see you guys! I will keep nagging my Dad but for now I have to back to the life as a sophomore (who is celebrating homecoming this week :])

Love and God bless,


MJ's Mama said...

Yea! I'm glad you're on our blog, Kathryn! We miss you tons and hope you can drag your family over to Rockford soon!!! We love you lots!

Katy said...

Madi has so much hair!!! Glad to hear about her mobility. FGH is about the same, not crawling exactly but getting around with scoots and other creative means. See you Friday for some fall fun!

Lisa Webster said...

Every time I look at the title of this post, I get that song in my head. You probably did that on purpose.
I can't believe how big she's getting and how fast she's learning how to do "big girl" things!
Amy, you've been tagged.
See my blog ( for more info.